
MX: Target User Profile


single parent > youth league sports coach > evangelical christian


the christian single parent (csp) is determined not to let their child(ren) make the same mistakes they did. relying on a strong support from the christian community, the csp affords their child(ren) every opportunity for group participation. the csp is a team player, and often holds a position of leadership within that team. it is the csp's hope that their young progeny will aspire to a similar degree of personal commitment.


youth league sports: a healthy competitive streak drives the csp, but even if his/her team doesn't win, (s)he is assured that there are no losers on team jesus.

hanging in the converted office/bedroom where the csp slept in those last trying days toward the end of their failed marriage.


this book appeals to the csp, offering affirming life assurance, practical advice, and proper heimlich maneuver form.

this one features highlighted passages further representative of the csp's mentality.

the csp is subscribed to (if not the author of) this amazon.com list:

So You'd Like to Become a Great Christian Coach

magazine subscriptions:

online habits:

the csp receives email newsletters from the numerous online publications offered from the evangelical-sanctioned christianitytoday.com. a communal creature at heart, the csp is no stranger to online social networking utilities. their local church's techo-savvy singles ministry pastor even has youtube sermons and updates like john covell's "austin pulse" ministry. see john's amazing personal testimony!

the austin pulse ministry has their own facebook group, announcing events like this singles dance, providing child care for csps.

csps like kim young often face many tough decisions.


practical, security, class-conscious, community-minded, 4-wheel drive, ambitious, devoted, competitive, leader, committed

design sensibilities:

conservative, tasteful, functional, stable, subdued, traditional, bland, high-waisted

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